
Dear Readers,

Not always, but often, I feel confident enough to speak from my heart, as God in a body. That is how I have tried to write this book. It is my highest dream that we all speak as God/Goddess in a body, and it is my hope that this book outlines a master plan for us all to reunite and celebrate our highest dreams and our original pure love intentions. I wish from my heart of hearts for  everyone to join me as we rejoice in receiving the ever-present magnificence we bathe in called the Loving Universal Consciousness (LUC). There is no separation, we are all bathing in this warm sea of life.

In the year 2002, I drafted an outline for this book with the title My Trees, My Dolphins while on a journey with Dr. Jose Cabanillas on his 600-acre medical research retreat in the Amazon jungle of Peru, where beautiful pink dolphins (boto) flourished in the fresh water. The primitive naked peoples living in huts
along the river had decided to kill the dolphins as these mammals had been eating the fish that was their sustenance. I also witnessed the trees being torn out by huge machines to make room to plant grains for cows to graze for fast food restaurant chain hamburgers and I watched the people line up to throw garbage over the bridge into the river, day and night. I cried out in horror and became ill and disheartened. My cries, and all our cries, are being heard now, at a time I pray is not too late.

The All One Era, the “Prophecy of Prophecies,” is our ascension into the loving “no time”. We are assimilating all the dimensions by Knowingness: a mergence into our Eternal Oneness. As an ascended human, our individual Holy Oneness is fully realized. As an ascended humanity, we return to our Original Splendid Intention, which is ever-expanding unbounded Holy Love and a Knowing of our Selves, Nature, our Earth and all of the universe. This ensures our perpetuation, four renewal of life! I have found that the key to our ascension is allowing Knowingness; the key to allowing Knowingness is surrender; the key to surrender is proactive receiving; the key to receiving is oneness with Spirit flowing through us as conduits, and as microcosms of the universe; AND the key to becoming a conduit is embracing our holiness which is a taking back of our divine power in humble grace. In other words knowing we are ‘Goded’.

I wish to speak one-to-one, as an ambassador for the grandest platform we humans could ever embrace: our Knowingness of who we are. I speak to you as casually as a long-lost friend, an uncle, brother, or dad, a child of seven years of age in a body of a seasoned entrepreneur who has loved the world as his
family since being on my own in the seventh grade, and a person who shares a life of extreme triumphs, abundance and total joy showing that we can all share in joy and abundance!

My life has felt like many lives in one. I have ventured down into the darkest places and lived among some of the most depressed people on earth. Since childhood, I have reached out to understand first-hand the truths and suffering of humanity, and the spaces in which we can welcome more peace, kindness and understanding with each other and with our precious Mother Earth. I have sought solace and enlightenment by embracing the traditions of nine different religions and I feel complete oneness with those of all ethnic

Born to Jewish parents, I grew up in an Irish-Italian neighborhood, and chose to become a devout Catholic, beginning in my late teens. I learned to cherish the work of Jesus and the Saints, instantly recognizing Jesus’ teachings and saw that He was a pure vessel and conduit of Divine Spirit. That was the beginning
of my quest to reveal that indeed we are all conduits of Spirit. For many years, I was deeply immersed in being Seventh Day Adventist and feel very blessed for having enjoyed that experience. I also drank in the teachings of Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Bahá’i, Judaism, Islam and Taoism. To this day, I share each religion’s teachings, while staying closely connected to the resounding messages of all the Great Masters. Like my Native Aboriginal brothers and sisters, I reach out to the Earth Herself. In bare feet, we stand oneon-one
with the stars, moon, and sun; we celebrate their cycles and become one. In sacred sweat lodges, we merge with the animals and the plants, and are even one with the rocks, the rivers, the sky, and the oceans. This is our true religion, and the golden thread that ties all religions and all of us together.

Through my life’s journey, I have also been very blessed to learn from, work with, and become close to many beings of all ethnic backgrounds. In my heart of hearts, I am truly African, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Egyptian, Native American, Greek, Irish, German and all of the ethnic origins. My wish is for my life and the messages within these pages to transcend all religions, races, and economic sectors, while at the same time being one with each of them. My yearning for deep understanding has taken me to a place where I truly feel like I am a composite of humanity, as we all are. We are all tribal. Every culture, religion, race, creed, and color began with gatherings around the fire. These roots unite us as they were and are our strength and soul memory. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a return to our roots to recreate a heart-centered awakening and call to action.

We are taking back our power and lifting the veils of separation! We are opening our “receiving hearts” and welcoming our most basic universal soul memory! In nature-honoring gatherings, which are conducive to meditation, we are richly nourishing our natural ability to open our Selves, our “God Selves,” to our infinite love, power and genius-level Knowingness.

In this era of highest vibration and unified conscious alignment, which officially began on December 21, 2012 – which was the ending of the ancient Mayan Calendar, we are welcoming the Master’s return! The Master is us! Each of us is now catapulting our own ascension as we give our love to ‘all there is’ and
open ourselves to receiving Divine Guidance!

The first model venue for All One Era gatherings has been established in Kelowna, British Columbia at Summerhill Pyramid Organic Winery. Since 1997, the four-season changes have been celebrated in the pyramid when it is most perfectly aligned and most effective on the Solstices and Equinoxes. The Summerhill Pyramid, a sixty-foot square, four-story replica of The Great Pyramid of Egypt, serves as a cellar for all the organic wines produced and as a sacred chamber for meditations that are held in concert with the changes of
nature. The Summer Solstice attracts record crowds to the pyramid every year. The Winter Solstice, with its traditional procession of participants  holding a candle and filing from the pyramid to the Makwala Memorial
Kekuli always brings light on the darkest day of the year. The Spring and Fall Equinox gatherings have been joyous celebrations all these years, with dancing and drumming around the sacred fire in the Kekuli, alongside veggie potluck feasts. Since the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012, the Kelowna community also celebrates the new moon every month in the pyramid for females only and men only in the Kekuli, and full moon for families in both the pyramid and Kekuli. With twenty-eight events a year, the community’s contact list now numbers in the thousands of loyal enthusiasts and is growing every month.

Returning to gatherings is a gigantic step for humankind, conducive to catapulting ascension just by being in each other’s bands of energy!

This all one era vision for humanity is lifting the veil of separation. It is a specific proactive master plan of action, worldwide connections, and gatherings.

Reuniting the loving cosmic vibrations that indeed we are. This is, perhaps, in the history of creation, the most passionate and significant message that we can share. We each have the magnificent power within us to affect our entire creation! We ARE God. We ARE Love. Everyone in their heart of hearts knows this most powerful of universal truths. The core foundation of this book is the revelation of the word “love”. We humans are the conduits of the infinite cosmic consciousness that yearns to be revealed as we surrender and open to receive and proactively give to the LUC, which is us in all of our ultidimensions.
We are now revealing that our greatest fear is the fear of our own grandness. We have Divine Knowingness. As receivers and conduits of spirit, we Know all there is in the moment. There are none in our entire universe greater than we are, and none are grander than any other. We are all one, each a microcosm of the universe, and collectively the LUC. I am honored and humbled to be Guided to share the light of coming into our Knowingness, our genius state, where our bodies’ electrical systems are in full vibratory resonance – a state we have all touched upon in dreams, meditations, and daydreams, and a state well worth proactively devoting our precious time in bodies to achieve!

At this time, I feel so “in service” to nurture the All One Era with a working model for a worldwide network – a holistic way to joyfully and organically re-establish our co-creating (Quantum Physics) from moment-to-moment with Spirit on our heavenly emerald planet. This book outlines the ultimate call to
action. Fused within these pages is a focus on going within, where we are all one, in the essence of the glorious soul of the world. We have the ability to feel and Know the vibration of all of creation within our bodies. We are catapulting a powerful taking back of our glorious original love, Holy Love.

We are now almost 8 billion strong. We ARE Divine Beings whose time is NOW for love. The greatest service to humanity is for us to know our divinity. As each of us ascends to this Knowingness, it enriches us all eternally.

With blessings, love, gratitude, and excitement for this wondrous new era, and in Holy Oneness,

Stephen Cipes
1-833-ALL-1-ERA (1-833-255-1372)


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The sole proprietor of this company has pledged not to ever take any salary or bonus at any time,
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